The converter for FlexRay was delivered to launch customer.
For Linux, the driver update now supports kernel 4.9.x.
Driver for embedded platform delivered
High-performance router for Ethernet, USB and SPI messages delivered to customers.
By expanding the someIpAnalyzer it is possible to display SOME/IP signals from PCAP files graphically.
Free SOME/IP and Service-Discovery Plugin for Wireshark.
The oabrDongle is a media converter between the Automotive-Ethernet physical layer "BroadR-Reachâ„¢ / OABR" and the standard Ethernet physical layer.
The ATMES GmbH delivers a new version of a software package.
The ATMES GmbH delivers a new version of the DbViewer for FIBEX, AUTOSAR, CANdbc and LINldf.
The ATMES GmbH is now delivering a converter from automotive database formats to Excel